How School Poses a Challenge for Relocating Employees
The biggest challenge facing relocating employees is school. Employees who have children are difficult to relocate because it’s hard to uproot children in the middle of a school year. Finding a new school district prior to a move can be challenging because the children will need to make new friends and learn how to succeed in a new environment. Below are some tips that should help you find a new school where your child will thrive if you need to relocate.
Work with a Real Estate Agent
It is a good idea to work with a real estate agent when relocating for work, especially if you have children and need to find a new school. A real estate agent will be able to provide you with information pertinent to the schools in the area, including:
- Taxes
- Tuition
- Graduation rates
- College scholarships
- Student-to-teacher ratios
- Sports programs
- Curriculum
- District rankings
- Test scores
Compile a List of Characteristics
Prior to relocating for work, compile a list of the best characteristics a school should have. If your child is old enough, have him or her help compile this list with you. Write down what you want in a school, its teachers, administration, Board of Education, sports programs and extracurriculars. When putting together this list, speak with former teachers of your children for their input as to what you should be looking for in a new school.
Ask the Following Questions
Always ask the following questions prior to relocating for work:
- In what situation does your child perform best? Independent learning or structured learning environments?
- Will your child be happier in a large school or small school setting?
- How will sports and physical education programs fit into the daily life of your child?
- Does the curriculum feature strong arts and music programs?
Relocating with children is never easy, especially younger ones. Prepare for such a move by speaking with the experts at Moving Man, Inc. in Englewood today.